We believe that together God is calling us to grow His Kingdom in Conroe and The Woodlands Hills.



Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.

Ephesians 3:20


Primary Goal - 100% Engagement

God has called us to grow in our discipleship and use our God-given gifts for His glory. Believing Together is a discipleship initiative to activate and engage 100% of our church to be bold in sharing our faith to grow His Kingdom.

Secondary Goal - Investing In Our Future

Secondary: The Lord sent His disciples and the early church out to share the Good News. We know that God is expanding the reach of FMC through our mission to share the Gospel, be a place of discipleship and outreach. We will do this by investing in campus improvements in Conroe and begin Phase One of a new church building in The Woodlands Hills.

What Are We Believing For?

As part of the Believing Together initiative, we will be updating our Conroe campus and construct a new church campus to expand our reach into The Woodlands Hills, Willis, and Conroe. Our new campus will provide:

  • 500-seat multi-purpose worship space

  • Cafe and fellowship space

  • Multipurpose discipleship rooms

  • Children’s wing

  • Office space for ministry staff and administration




Project Phases

  • Activating our Faith

    We will transform our space and expand our invitation of the Gospel.

  • Investing in the Next Generation

    We will reach the next generation through student leadership and kidLIFE academy pathways.

  • Increasing our Missional Partnerships

    We will make a significant impact through local missions and invest in global partnerships.

  • Establishing a New Campus

    We will reach a new community with a church campus in The Woodlands Hills.


We are excited to announce our goal of raising $5,000,000 to support our Believing Together Initiative! With your generous contributions, our 500-seat multi-purpose worship building will be possible. Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to making a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve. Together, we can make a difference—let's reach this milestone and transform Conroe and Willis together.

Donate today and be a part of something great!



Activating our Faith.

Investing in the Next Generation.

Activating our Faith. Investing in the Next Generation.

We will transform our space and expand our invitation of the Gospel.

We will reach the next generation through student leadership and kidLIFE academy pathways.

We will make a significant impact through local missions and invest in global partnerships.

We will reach a new community with a church campus in The Woodlands Hills.

We will transform our space and expand our invitation of the Gospel. We will reach the next generation through student leadership and kidLIFE academy pathways. We will make a significant impact through local missions and invest in global partnerships. We will reach a new community with a church campus in The Woodlands Hills.

Increasing our Missional Partnerships

Establishing a New Campus.

Increasing our Missional Partnerships Establishing a New Campus.


  • The purpose of Believing Together is to engage our entire church in reaching more people for Christ in Conroe and Willis through our strategies of activating our faith, investing in the next generation, increasing our missional partnerships, and establishing a new campus in The Woodlands Hills.

  • The simple answer is that God has led us to this opportunity, and we want to be faithful in our response. We have always been a church that made space to reach new people, whether that meant moving a building, creating new worship communities, or increasing our space. That has been our history, our present, and our future, and we have a contractual obligation to begin the process of building on the land we have purchased.

  • Believing Together will begin December 2024 and end December 2027. We will invite our congregation to make their first fruits giving on December 8, 2024.

  • Yes. If you would like to discuss options, contact John Wayne McMann at jmcmann@fmconroe.org or our financial office at vprice@fmconroe.org.

  • Absolutely. We understand that life circumstances can shift our ability to give generously in positive and negative ways. If you need to change your commitment, please email vprice@fmconroe.org.

  • Yes, and they must be. Our normal operating expenses must continue to be met by your faithful support through regular tithes and offerings. These over and above gifts will allow us to accomplish the special goals of the Believing Together campaign.

  • On Commitment Sunday, we will worship, celebrate, and pray over what God has planned for the coming years. We will ask our entire church, 100%, to participate by committing to give financially to the Believing Together initiative. We ask that everyone submit their commitment card on this day during the worship services.

Let’s Make A Difference Together.

For the future of Conroe and The Woodlands Hills!

First Methodist Conroe, We Are

Believing Together.